Yesterday, I worked in the clothing bank, sorting through hundreds of thousands of donations that came in. As me and my volunteer sorter buddies were making our way through the mounds, it began to snow outside. Clients came in and began finding clothes they needed for themselves and their families, and I wondered if they had enough warm coats and blankets to keep them through the oncoming blizzard.
By noon today, we had 8 inches of snow and counting. While I romped around and enjoyed playing in the snow, I was reminded of people in town that might not have a bed to stay in. When the shelter is full, the rest of the people needing beds would be cold on the street.
So, while I enjoyed the snow today, I also spent some time in gratitude.
Today, I am thankful for - a warm bed to sleep in, sturdy clothes to keep me dry and safe in the cold, hot food to eat, and good friends to welcome me into their homes. And I am thankful that when I see snow, it's an opportunity to play, and not a threat to my safety.
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for a thoughtful daughter who cares about people and recognizes the struggle it can be to some just to survive. You are a blessing I share with the world.